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Aubin Stewart is a jewellery designer creating dinstinctive vibrant collections, with a strong focus colour and composition. Materials employed are often re-purposed objects which are scavenged, collected or off cuts paired with delicate precious elements.
Designs are often inspired by the materials she chooses to work with. Playing with the relationship between the percieved value of what is precious and the contraints of the materials themselves is what inspires her work.
Following an Honours Degree in Jewellery & Metalwork, Aubin worked in the Jewellery trade for over 10 years before establishing her own jewellery business. She now divides her time creating collections from her studio at Deemouth Artist Studios and promoting creativity through community projects and teaching.
She recently spoke at Radical Jewellery Makeover symposium in Scotland about the application of alternative and re-purposed materials in her work.
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